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Changes to the address & contact person regulations of e-resident companies in Estonia

From February 1st 2023 some changes to regulations regarding the address of Estonian companies will come into force.

The aim is to clearly separate the company address from the contact person address. Many companies use the same address in both cases but legally speaking they are different things - the new regulation aims to make that clear.

The companies have until the 30th of April 2023 to update their address & contact person data. According to the law, if the company has only the management board data in the registry card, it shall automatically be deemed as the company address (a bit unclear what that would mean in practice).

On the one hand these changes do not seem to have much substantial meaning but could create many technical issues in the registry - we shall see.

Secondly the contact person service will now have a term set in the registry. Up until now it has not been so easy to delete the contact person details if the company has for example stopped paying for the service. Now the contact person details will be deleted automatically if the term is not updated so the clients should be more diligent (as well as the service providers).

It also has to be noted that companies not sending their annual reports on time can be subject to faster deletion from the registry (even 3 months). At the moment it can take years for that to happen but the aim is to make it more faster and streamlined putting pressure to companies to act in accordance with the laws.


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